Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tim Donaghy and the NBA

I just read ex-NBA ref Tim Donaghy's remarks within his book about NBA Refs gambling. Despite his confessions which were bad big time actions, Tim, brings in others of his profession that adds to the mix. Out of some 45 NBA refs, does one think he's the only one that gambled.....not. As an ex-NBA player I will say with utter confidence that in my era, the early 50's we had great refs. Men like Sid borgia, Mendy Rudolph. as well as others who were player refs. Player refs will warn a player for an infraction...and say, "The first is on me." The next time, you get whistled. I have to say that Daryle Garritson and his clone Hugh Holland, both retired for many years were the worst I've ever seen. In the case of Garritson, past NBA lead ref, he was so into himself that It's passed on to his son whose now refing in the league...brutal. My experience with Holland, was the worst. Tried to scam me for $2500, while handling the refs for my summer pro basketball league in 1979. The result...I kicked him out...period. I hope he reads this blog and trys to sue me...I'll love it.